We went to watch Cameron play football last Monday. We were running late, of course, and heard them announce his name, he recovered a fumble, as we were walking in! The freshman are having a great season. They beat Farmington 50-0. As we were leaving the game, I walked by one of the players. The smell brought back so many memories. It doesn't seem like that long ago I was sitting in those same stands watching Cyle play.
On October 1, we went with the Hucks to Purina Farms. It was a gorgeous day and we thought the kids would like the dog show. They really could have cared less about the dogs, but we still had a good time.
Clarey loves to be outside. She stands at the door and cries. Often, I'll let her go on the deck and leave the door open while I'm in the kitchen. A couple weeks ago, I let her go out and watched her climb into this chair all on her own with the bag of chips. To say she is everywhere is an understatement.
This is is what Clarey can accomplish in less than 5 minutes.
A few weeks ago, the kids and I made a trek to Home Depot to purchase a concrete form tube. The idea is that one day, when they're finished playing with it, it will become the trunk of a tree in their bedroom. I spent $5.47 on this tube. It has provided hours - literally - hours of play for the kids. They roll it. They carry it. They talk through it. They put toys in it and slide the toys down. They put themselves in it and roll themselves around. They're learning how to cooperate and work as a team. They're learning basic physics. The boys are learning that Clarey thinks she can do everything they can do. Every day I put the tube away. Every day they get it back out. Once again, they've amazed me.
I was so excited to be able to enroll the boys in Christian School for the Young Years. Not only did I go there when I was in preschool, but I was fortunate enough to work there as a college student. Words can't describe how wonderful it is. Parents won't find a more enriching, loving school for their children. The boys are really excited about it, too...