Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Month of May

 With the fabulous May weather, we have spent most of every single day outside. We've been catching critters, riding big wheels, drawing with sidewalk chalk. Many of our moments I've not captured with camera...these are random things we've done.

 I walked into the kitchen to find Clayton "doing an experiment."
"What are you experimenting," I asked.
"I'm making a potion. It's really powerful. But don't worry, I'm well protected." So I see.

After an unexpected shower left all three kiddos muddy from head to foot, I put them in the tub at 10 a.m. To liven it up a bit, as if that ever needs to happen, I added in some balloons. Some filled with air, some filled with water and, yes, some filled with glow sticks. I believe I bought these on clearance after Valentine's day for a dime a package for activities just like this.

 Clarey's latest favorite activity is very carefully going through every item in my bathroom. She particularly loves lipstick.

She also loves sun protection.

My kids LOVE pudding for dessert. We have it fairly often. Usually all devour their serving and ask for more. The one evening we had pistachio flavor, Clarey didn't love it so much, but she did think it was really fun to paint with.

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