Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting Ready for Halloween

The air has a definite chill to it and the trees have dropped most of their leaves, we're well into Autumn and getting ready for Halloween! (Or Hallowe'en, as the Canadians spell it.) Last week I tie-dyed shirts for the boys and I. I never did get a good picture of the boys and the shirts where you could actually see what's on the shirts. They have jack-o-lantern faces on them. They did turn out really cute. The funniest thing is, they are wearing the same size shirt in this picture!

So today, Clayton wanted to pick out Levi's outfit. This is what he chose. Levi was just so happy, I had to get some pictures. I guess he liked it, too!

Clayton keeps telling me, "I'm busy." I can't imagine where he hears that from...but he is. This morning we were getting ready to leave the house and I carried him out to the car, forgetting that his car seat wasn't in. So I sat him in the driver's seat and said, "Here. You can pretend to drive the car while I go get Levi." I ran back into the kitchen to grab Levi, already in his car seat, and leave a note for Cyle. I wasn't in the house two minutes. When I got back out to the garage, Clayton had put the keys in the ignition, started the car, turned on a blinker and windshield wipers, had the radio blaring and was jamming to the music as he "pretended" to drive the car. Next time, I'll make sure he's strapped into his seat before I run inside...

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I'm laughing as I read that Clayton turned the car on! Why is it that kids do things that we never even thought they would ever think about? I love the kids' tie-dyed shirts! Cutest little pumpkins ever! Abby-I'm venturing to make Ashley a doll cake for her bday. You know, the one with the doll at the top and the skirt part is the cake? Any tips?