Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

We had a really low key 4th of July celebration this year. We went to a pool party and bar-b-que across the street and then did just a few fireworks with the kids. With everything being so dry, we didn't want to set off any real ones. The kids were content with sparklers and the boys loved pulling the strings of the pop kind. I don't really know what those are called...Clarey just thought it was fun to take everything out of the box. We had a perfectly nice summer day.

Baby Addie Visits

 As a very special birthday treat, Emily and Andy stopped by with their new little angel, Adelaide.
The kids were all excited to meet her. As you can see, Clayton isn't any better at holding a baby now than he was two years ago. (Click here to see Clayton lovingly holding his new sister.)

 If I were Addie, I'd be afraid, too! All these small children! All this movement! You're letting them HOLD me?!

Levi was really gentle and calm while he held her.

I didn't get a picture of Clarey holding her. Clarey was totally in love with Adelaide. She held her the longest and would just look at her. Later that evening, after they had been long gone, Clarey asked for Baby Addie to come home. She told me that Baby Addie was hers. Every doll is now Baby Addie and any baby item we see or have is for Baby Addie. We're going to have to go and see Baby Addie soon!

These Speak for Themselves

More Creature Captures

Levi loves, loves, loves to find and catch any type of small creature he can get his hands on. In fact, if he grows up to be anything other than a conservationist, biologist, zoologist or wildlife photographer I will be completely astounded. I wish I had started a tally at the beginning of the summer of all the animals this child has caught.

One morning the kids were playing very contentedly outside while I cleaned up breakfast and did a few chores. I looked out our back window to see Levi crouching down with something in his hands. I knew I didn't really want to know what he'd caught, but at the same time, I needed to know what it was.

Upon further inspection, I see Levi holding a tiny mouse by it's tail. The poor little critter is wiggling every body part possible trying to gain freedom. Clarey's got a magnifying glass so she can have a better look... (This is a stark contrast to the pedicure and tea party Clarey from the week before.)

Finally that little field mouse got loose and made a beeline for our house. I told Levi it was not allowed near our house and to make sure it ended up in the woods. First, though, Levi made several observations, such as 'mice use their front feet like hands to grab onto things,' that we had to record in his journal.

The next day, we all went out to check the mail. And while I'm helping Clarey, who didn't want to wear shoes, open the mailbox and hold all the letters, Levi starts shouting, "Mom! Help! A lizard! Help me catch this lizard!" I start looking all around and I just don't see a lizard anywhere. I tried looking where Levi was looking and I just didn't see anything. Since I wasn't much help Levi said, "Tiger! Help!" Tiger is our cat.

Then Levi crouched down, waited a second or two and snap! He grabbed a teeny tiny lizard in his hands. It wasn't longer than 3 inches, tail and all. I had in my hands, with Clarey and the mail, a big bowl so we could all go pick the garden. (Imagine me catching a lizard - even if I could have seen it.) Levi deposited the very tiny lizard in the bowl and at that very second crouched down again. Before I knew it, he had caught a second one, the very same size. 

He immediately identified them as baby prairie lizards and we put them in bug keepers. Levi gathered some grass so they would have cover and then caught two grasshoppers for them to eat. I don't know why he added the dinosaur...

 After getting over the fact that he caught two within a minute of each other, we started to discuss why two were there. Levi decided there must have been a nest close by so we went back to look. We never did find a nest. I don't really know what a lizard nest looks like, to tell you the truth.

Just this past weekend, Levi comes running inside saying he spied a lizard and needed help catching it. It truly was a group effort. This lizard was fast. We got it put in a bug keeper and Levi took it to the garage. Cyle and I (mainly Cyle, though) had been working on a project outside. Once I had finished my bit, I walked back to the garage and found those two lying on the garage floor observing their critters. I don't know what Clarey was observing, it may have been empty...

Levi has caught at least 6 prairie lizards this summer. This one was no less fascinating than the first. He told me it was an adult because of it's size and that for a prairie lizard it was really fat. He said it must have just eaten a really big and juicy grasshopper. As he was lying there, he said, "Look at those claws, Mom. They are really good for digging. Prairie lizards must be good burrowers." After a pause, he added, "I really love catching lizards!"

Yes, if he grows up and enters a field unrelated to creatures, I'll be very surprised.

Tea Party

Nearly a month ago, Cyle took the boys to the cabin for the day. My original plan was to get caught up on housework. But then I thought, "Why should Clarey be stuck at home doing housework while the boys are out having fun?" She was so disappointed in the morning when they left without her. I decided right then and there we were doing everything girls love to do and never get to do with all the boys running around!

We started off by getting a pedicure. We soaked our feet and I painted our nails. Clarey put on a bit of mascara and lipstick. Once we were well pampered we had a tea party.

It was a grand time! We wore dresses. We wore hats. We picked out jewelry from my closet. We made cucumber sandwiches and butter cookies. Together we sipped tea from real tea cups and dabbed our lips with cloth napkins. I'm sure, if Clarey were talking more, we would have adopted British accents.

It was a really fun day. To top it all off, the next morning as we were sitting down to breakfast, Clarey ran to my closet and brought back hats and necklaces for us to wear.

Shaving Cream

One afternoon, while Clarey was taking a nap and the boys were having quiet time, I decided that maybe they'd like to play in some shaving cream. Clayton has really been working hard on his handwriting and I thought that perhaps making the letters in the shaving cream would help keep his interest. Well, you can see how many letters were made... Both boys had to have a shower by the time they were done. Handwriting didn't get practiced, but it was a fun sensory activity.