Monday, January 31, 2011

She's got teeth!

Clarey's got two little teeth poking through on the bottom and she loves using them. Look out bananas! (She loves it so much, she didn't even want to look at me...)


Last week, my dear friend Catie came to visit. And she came bearing gifts! Aren't these hats adorable? The boys love them! Thanks, Catie!!

Cyle and I refinished this hutch. It was in my dad's house and was oak. I thought it would look better in our dining room red. Cyle took it all apart for me and gave it a good sanding. I spent all of last week painting and antiquing. I think it turned out pretty good!

Deconstruction...Farewell, Talk 'n Play

One of my favorite, favorite toys growing up was a Talk 'n Play. Did anyone else have one? Oh, I loved it. Many, many hours were spent playing with it. It's nothing compared to today's electronics, but I had high hopes of my children playing with it. All of the books and cassette tapes had been saved. But, alas, battery corrosion and years of sitting dormant did it in. After talking to Aunt Sherri last week about how the children in her class loved taking old electronics apart, I decided it was time to let the Talk 'n Play go. My children still got to play with it, just not the way I had envisioned.

Clayton kept telling me, "You are so awesome, Mom! This is so cool!"

Levi measured it. It was "6, 7, 8 long."

Of all the pieces we took out, the springs were the favorite.

Clarey was so content to play on the floor next to us. She's such a sweet girl!

Outdoor Play

Last Friday the weather was so nice we couldn't resist playing outside. Even Clarey loved it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I found a few more...

My children have started living in their pajamas...Honestly.

A fairly decent family picture!
(When Mom and Neal came for Christmas, I forgot to change out of my old clothes. I don't usually still wear that sweater in public. It's seriously from junior high.)

And a big CONGRATULATIONS to Neal - he and Kori are now engaged! We're so happy to have someone so sweet joining our family!

Recent Pictures

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! I know this is terribly delayed, but we've been focused on moving in. We bought a house in early December and have been trying to get settled ever since. We're still unpacking some and definitely are still decorating. I've had quite a few requests for pictures of Clarey, so here they are. I'll add more once I get a chance. Enjoy the winter weather!!