Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Lately it seems that we've been so busy, but we've not been doing too much - except baking! This year Christmas just kind of came out of nowhere for me. Suddenly I realized that it was mid-December and I still had shopping to do! AHHHH! We've had some really cold, windy days that have kept us totally indoors. Clayton loves to play with his Hot Wheels track. And in regards to how his shirt is on he "loves it like that."

From St. Nicholas the boys got matching Christmas pjs. Clayton thought we needed a picture of them together in the pjs, but didn't really want to be next to Levi.

December 13 was the annual Christmas Party at the Ambassador's. Levi's not too much younger than their twin grandchildren. And since their grandbabies are in South Carolina, they snatch Levi up for some snuggling every chance they get...well, Mrs. Wilkins does anyway. I'm glad I got a picture of Levi with Ambassador and Mrs. Wilkins.

Here's another shot of the boys that Clayton thought I needed to take. He's got a "shiner," as he called it. He was playing a game with Cyle and hit the corner of a chair. Boy did it ever look bad the next morning. Luckily it's pretty much gone so it won't be in the Christmas pictures.

Clayton is my helper in the kitchen. Really, taste tester would be a better description. Here he's sampling some cookie dough...

Here's my happy little guy. Levi is such a smiler. For the latest cakes, visit Baking at Huckleberries.
Have a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Levi's Baptism

Levi got baptized on November 29 at Immaculate Conception. Deacon Biri performed the ceremony and it was very nice. Cyle's mom made Levi's baptismal outfit. It's so cute. She used pieces from my mom's wedding dress (collar and cuffs) and ribbon from her dress (little bow tie). My friend KarenKay smocked his shoes.

Poor Cyle is recovering from being sick. Thanksgiving evening Clayton got a nasty stomach virus (so nasty he and Cyle and Grandma Huck took a trip to the ER) and passed it around to all of us. First Cyle, then Cameron, Kathy, Curt, and me - on our way home! Cameron got sick during the ceremony, so Garrett and Anna took him home immediately after. The rest of us went to eat at the Branding Iron for some barbeque and cake, of course!

This was taken beforehand (luckily)...Godparents Uncle Cameron and Aunt Sherri with Levi.
Levi was so good throughout everything. He didn't cry when Deacon Biri poured the water over his head and stayed content throughout. I had to laugh when the baptismal candle was lit and Clayton started singing "Happy Birthday." It was too funny. If I smell Levi closely enough, I can still smell the Chrism Oil. We are so blessed to have such a precious little boy.

November Vacation

We've just returned from our trip to Missouri. We had a great time visiting all of our friends and family. Our visits always seem to just fly by.
Clayton and Levi got decked out in their finest camo for opening day. Can you tell it's deer season? Look how happy Cyle looks! Maybe a little tired, too.

We visited Claire and Vincent one afternoon. It's hard to believe they were the same ages as my boys when I started watching them!
They're so big now. Claire is 10 and Vincent is 8...ahh, where do the years go? Clayton loved playing ball with Vincent and "playing" the piano and xylophone, too.

Somehow I managed to get pictures with all of the great-grandparents,
but very few with the grandparents! How?
Above are the boys with Great-Grandma Arnold.

Four generations of Hucks:
Great-Grandma Mel, Great-Grandpa Clete, Grandpa Curt, Cyle, Clayton and Levi.
Great-Grandma Grossheider and Levi.
Here again, I didn't get a picture of both boys with Grandma.

It really was a fun visit. Clayton adjusted really well to sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa Huck's (which he refers to as "Uncle Cameron's house") and even slept in a big boy bed. Levi didn't mind being passed around one bit and outgrew several outfits while we we're there. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oh the weather outside is FRIGHTFUL!!!

Is that Clayton in his costume? No, just his snowsuit! Last Tuesday night we got over 4 inches of snow. Clayton, who doesn't yet realize that we've got at least 6 more months of snow, couldn't wait to get out in it. Luckily for me his snow suit from last year still fits.

Clayton carved a really cute jack-o-lantern and we couldn't even see it because of the snow. He did have a lot of fun playing on the front porch until he got "too cold."

These are my clemintine-o-lanterns. The kids at playgroup devoured them. Clayton ate so many cookies that day that he actually threw them up. He should've stuck to the oranges!

Clayton has been watching a Bob the Builder movie about a water mill. So we took a field trip to the historic Watson's Mill in Manotick. He picked out a bag of whole wheat flour milled on site. We got to see the giant mill stones, gears, the elevator and watched a movie about how the mill works. We took the flour home and Clayton helped make some cookies with the flour.

There were lots of child-friendly activities at the mill. Here, Clayton is grinding up wheat into flour. He thought this was especially fun.

Clayton's new sayings:

"Oh my gosh!" Only it comes out, "Oh my dosh!" He says it all the time. For example, "Oh my gosh! I ate my toast!" It's so funny.

He told me at breakfast the other morning, in regards to his cup, "Just leave it alone!" (Think he hears that often?)

This afternoon, I asked him if we should clean out his stuffed animals and give the ones he doesn't play with to a little boy who doesn't have any. "No," he told me, "I want to keep them ever and ever."

Levi is doing really well. He's such a content, happy baby. I'm truly so blessed. He's so smiley all the time now. I've got to get some more pictures of him!

Happy November!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting Ready for Halloween

The air has a definite chill to it and the trees have dropped most of their leaves, we're well into Autumn and getting ready for Halloween! (Or Hallowe'en, as the Canadians spell it.) Last week I tie-dyed shirts for the boys and I. I never did get a good picture of the boys and the shirts where you could actually see what's on the shirts. They have jack-o-lantern faces on them. They did turn out really cute. The funniest thing is, they are wearing the same size shirt in this picture!

So today, Clayton wanted to pick out Levi's outfit. This is what he chose. Levi was just so happy, I had to get some pictures. I guess he liked it, too!

Clayton keeps telling me, "I'm busy." I can't imagine where he hears that from...but he is. This morning we were getting ready to leave the house and I carried him out to the car, forgetting that his car seat wasn't in. So I sat him in the driver's seat and said, "Here. You can pretend to drive the car while I go get Levi." I ran back into the kitchen to grab Levi, already in his car seat, and leave a note for Cyle. I wasn't in the house two minutes. When I got back out to the garage, Clayton had put the keys in the ignition, started the car, turned on a blinker and windshield wipers, had the radio blaring and was jamming to the music as he "pretended" to drive the car. Next time, I'll make sure he's strapped into his seat before I run inside...

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Autumn Leaves are Falling Down

We are having the most gorgeous autumn! The trees are on fire and the weather has been just perfect. The days Clayton has school, Levi and I walk through the town of Richmond. We've been enjoying the sunshine and all of the colors.

Last week the big oak tree in our front yard dropped 3/4 of its leaves. I raked a big pile and Clayton played for nearly an hour and a half. Of course, I raked the same pile about 15 times... It was a nice warm day so Clayton got to wear his 'old tractor machine shirt.' It's probably one of the last times for the year. His imagination is really taking off. We have to be really careful about what Halloween things he sees. After watching a Thomas the Train Halloween show, he told me that he saw a ghost in our kitchen and was scared. Last night, after hearing a story about a baboon, he told us, "a big giant baboon" was coming and he was scared because it was mean. He's always making up stories. Except for today in church when a lady told him was really good, he looked at her and said, "I be LOUD." At least he knows that he's not supposed to be loud in church. Actually being quiet is another thing...

Levi is all smiles now. I finally caught one! Isn't it just so cute?! He's still growing like a weed and is increasingly interested in what we are doing. He likes to be up so he can see what is going on.

This weekend we celebrated fall with a campfire in our woods. Three families came down, one pitched a 13-man tent in our backyard, and we enjoyed the autumn weather. We roasted hot dogs, made s'mores, drank apple cider and the kids rode go-carts and played in the woods. It was really a fun time. I, of course, forgot to take any pictures - ahhhh - until it was too dark. Oh well. We also got in one last trip to the apple orchard. We picked up windfall apples from the ground and got 30 lbs for $10. They were better looking than the ones in the bins. Now it's time for applesauce and apple pie!

To see my latest cakes, check out Baking at Huckleberries.

Grandma and Grandpa Huck and Uncle Cameron Visited!

We started out the month with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Huck and Uncle Cameron. We had such a great time while they were here! The guys got in some pretty good hunting, Clayton got lots of playtime with 'Un-le Tamron.' Kathy and I got to do a little shopping. And we got to celebrate Grandma's 50th birthday!

We visited the town of Wakefield, QC. It's a charming town on the edge of Gatineau Park. I think we visited during the best weekend of the year - the fall foliage was beautiful.

We did a little shopping while we were there and let Clayton run around a little. I love how he wears his hat!

One of Wakefield's main attractions is their covered bridge. It really was pretty cool.

It was so nice having everyone here. I'm so glad they came to visit!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fall has Arrived

The maples this year are brilliant. Ours are just starting to turn. It's a good year to be in the northeast!

The city of Ottawa has a tree planting program. Saturday Cyle and Clayton went to the city nursery and picked out a crabapple tree. Cyle wanted an oak, so Clayton is calling it an "oak-apple" tree. He, of course, had to help dig.

The boys and our new tree. Too bad we won't be able to see it next fall.

Cyle went out for his first goose hunt of the year. He limited out and was home by 8:30. I love goose-hunting! He's happy because he went hunting. I'm happy because he didn't spend all day in the woods and come home saying he "killed time." The goose was delicious. I cooked it in Cajun Jambalaya Pasta- a Cheesecake Factory knock-off.
This week Grandma and Grandpa Huck and Uncle Cameron are coming to visit! We can't wait.

Levi growing, growing, growing

Levi is getting so big. He's up to 13 lbs and is 23 1/2 inches! He's outgrown outfits Clayton was wearing at three months. He's starting to smile at us, but of course, I couldn't capture it. I tried dearly. After about the 20th flash, Cyle told me it was enough.

I love how he's getting little fat rolls on his legs! And those chubby cheeks, too!

I made this cake for Cyle's boss who is retiring and moving to Florida. Read more about it and find out what's cooking in my kitchen at Baking at Huckleberries.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oops...How could I forget?

I'm updating this too late at night and forgetting things...Yesterday was Clayton's first hunting trip! How could I forget to include such an important event?! Cyle got him up early and decked out in his camo (which Clayton says he "loves so much"). They hunted all morning, but no squirrels. They did shoot at some crows and had a good time walking through the woods.

The next generation of Huck hunters...

September Updates

I 'm thinking that I really need to update this more often than once a month...there's just been so much going on. It's taking me a while and making for such a long entry.

We've been really busy. School starts in September, so everyone has come back from travels and things have started up again. Summer is over. Time go get to work!
I'm co-president of the Events Committee/Party People at the Embassy. I love working with such a fun group of people and helping with the CLO events. At our meeting this month they threw a shower for Levi and I. KarenKay made a fabulous lunch (just two quiche and a salad...yeah right! It was a feast. A delicious feast!) and Claudette and Deborah made an adorable cake. Thank you!! I've also started a walking group with some of the same ladies. We're meeting every Wednesday at different spots in Ottawa and taking advantage of all of the wonderful walking trails. It's been great to get out and enjoy the nice fall weather and get in some exercise. Maybe some of those pregnancy pounds will start to melt away.

Clayton has also started "school." He's so big.

Either twice or three times a week Clayton will be going to South Carleton High School for their playgroup. The playgroup is actually a child development class for Seniors. For Clayton, it's a fun time to play! For me, it's an hour to get stuff done! His first day was last Thursday and he seemed to really enjoy it. Of course, they did have a sensory table full of blue sand with tractor machines for digging. You can't see because of his adorable John Deere jacket (Thank you, Auntie Kendra!!) but he has on my favorite tractor machine shirt that says, "I dig dirt." (Thank you, Nonna!) School was a hit. I fully expected to see him still digging in the sand when I picked him up, but he was playing with playdough.

Clayton being in school gives me a little one-on-one time with Levi. He's really growing so fast. I've had to put away some outfits that are too short and I hope we use up all of the size 1 diapers before they don't fasten around his belly anymore. He's getting really good at holding up his head and is just on the verge of truly smiling. He is super alert. Always watching and listening. And always as content as can be. He really is such a good baby. I was just noticing in this can actually see his eye brows here - and his chubby cheeks!

The Fair

This weekend was the Richmond Fair! After church we parked in town and made our way to the fair grounds! First stop: Food. I have to say. Canadian fair food really pales in comparison to the fair food at home. There are no hand-dipped corn dogs, funnel cakes, pile-o-potatoes, deep fried Snickers, Oreos, or whatever else. There are hamburgers, hot dogs, Italian sausages, Pogos, your run-of-the-mill donairs AND Beaver Tails. Beaver Tails partially redeem the food at the fair. They are a piece of dough flattened into a beaver tail shape and deep fried. (Really, what is better than fried dough?) They are then topped with a good variety of things - our favorite is cinnamon and sugar. Here is Clayton enjoying his bit.

What is a trip to the fair with out wasting money on a silly game for a cheap prize? Here we spent no less than $5 for Clayton to pick out 3 ducks to win a stuffed parrot. He really enjoyed picking out the ducks and loves the parrot even more. So I guess it was worth it.

Here is Levi as content as can be as we strolled him through the fair grounds. I forgot his hat, so I stuffed the burp diaper (it hadn't yet been used...) around his head. It wasn't so chilly, but was quite windy. He was awake for most of the evening. Apparently he didn't want to miss one bit of the fair.

Clayton really wanted to ride the dragon roller coaster, but wasn't tall enough, so he settled on the spinning boots. They rode in a circle and Clayton got to control the button that made them go up and down. It was kind of funny to watch because he wouldn't hold the button in long enough to actually go up and stay up so they kind of hopped around. After this ride we decided it was time to go home. And it was a good thing we did. It wasn't too long after we got home that a good little storm rolled in.

Grandpa G.'s Visit

Grandpa G. came to visit us last weekend. It started out with not such great weather, so it was Sunday before we were able to really get out. (Although, we did make it to The Works - a local burger joint with every imaginable topping available- on Saturday evening.) We went for a nice Sunday drive in the country to Kilmarnock Orchard. It sits on a small island in the Rideau close to Merrickville. We got to ride in the tram and then picked twenty pounds of Macintosh and Courtland apples - YUM!

Levi wasn't really so interested in picking apples. But he was really cooperative all day.

Clayton loved picking - AND EATING - the apples. I wish I had gotten a picture of him climbing the ladder to pick from the top of the tree. He has no fear of heights. Cyle was on the ladder with him and I was holding Levi. Sometimes I just don't have enough hands. The orchard was so very picturesque. Just today I finished putting up the apples. We've got 5 pints of apple sauce and 6 of canned apples. Next year I'm buying an apple peeler.

Clayton loves cooking in his kitchen. I just thought he was so cute wearing his apron and everything.

While Grandpa G. was here I thought it would be fun to visit the Experimental Farm. We got to see all kinds of animals. This Belgian horse is named Lady. We also got to see sheep, cows, pigs and a donkey. Clayton's favorite part of the farm is the Tractor display at the Agricultural Museum. (You can read about that in the previous post.) But to top off the day, Clayton got to watch a tractor in action as it disked up a field. What more could a little boy ask for?!
Thanks, Grandpa G., for visiting!

Tractor Machines

So Clayton's favorite thing is.......TRACTOR MACHINES!!! Because he loves them so much and our life seems to revolve around them, we took a trip to the tractor machine store. We have been blessed to live just a few miles from one of the two John Deere dealerships in Ottawa. We spent the morning just looking at all of the different tractors and pieces of equipment they had for sale. As a bonus, we even got see them drive a combine around. (You can't see because of his jacket, but he has on his favorite tractor machine t-shirt. We've now got a collection of 4 tractor machine shirts so I don't have to do laundry quite so often.)

Grandpa G. came to visit this past weekend and while he was here we made a trip to the Agricultural Museum at the Experimental Farm. In their Tractor display they have this tractor ride that demonstrates the difference between the old metal wheels (bump, bump, bump )and rubber tires (so smooth).

No matter where we go, Clayton seems to always find the tractors. (Here you can see him sporting another one of his tractor machine shirts. This one has a backhoe.) The sensory table at the Richmond Fair, complete with corn and, you guessed it, tractors and wagons was a complete hit. It was definitely better than looking at goats, bees, baby chicks, or petting sheep.

Also at the fair... Cyle and Clayton couldn't get enough of this home-made tractor. The older gentleman had constructed it out of many, many different tractors and such. I think Cyle said the motor was from the 19-teens. I paid attention long enough to take the picture then Levi and I went for a walk. I can only look at tractors for so long.