Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Trip to the ER

Tuesday evening we had to take Levi to the ER. He tripped over his own two feet while playing in the garage and landed right on a car part Cyle had on the floor. He had a gash from the middle of his upper lip all the way to his nose. Four stitches later he was doing okay. I don't know if it was more traumatic for him or me! My poor little baby! Today he was doing just fine. You wouldn't even know it had happened, except for the big cut on his face.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thank You!

We're sending out a BIG THANK YOU to our families for all of your help moving us!
We couldn't have done it with you!

Next week my dad and step-mom will be here and have I got a to-do list for them! (well, Dad mainly...)

Riding Toys

Levi just cannot wait to be big. He wants to be a part of everything that Cyle and Clayton do. So when Clayton got to go on a go cart ride, Levi wanted one, too. And he couldn't have been more excited!

Cyle and I are not people that go out an buy new things. We take hand-me-downs, we shop craigslist, we try to get the best deal, so it was really exciting this past weekend for Cyle to go and buy a NEW lawn mower. Just a few short weeks ago, Cyle bought a 12 year old Craftsman lawn mower off of craigslist. While mowing our yard for just the 3rd time, the engine threw a rod. (I don't really know what that means, but it's totally irrepairable.) So, tired of dealing with lawn mowers that needed constant repairs, Cyle and Clayton went to Lowes and bought this beautiful new John Deere ZTR. The boys were almost as excited as Cyle. I'm excited that he's cut his mowing time in half. Yeah!

Cows N Corn

This past Saturday we went to Midland, VA to a great farm called Cows N Corn with our dear friends the Tolers. We had a great time riding a cow train, eating ice cream, watching a cow get milked, eating ice cream, playing with water pumps, climbing on play equipment, eating ice cream, taking a hay ride and touring the farm, eating ice cream. It was All You Can Eat Ice Cream Day and it was a blast!
Thank you so much Jonathan, Angie, Austin and Ashley for spending the day with us! We're so blessed to be living close to you!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We've Moved!

We're all moved in at our new home in Culpeper, Virginia (or Tulpepah, Weginia as Clayton says). And we LOVE IT! It's such a great neighborhood and our house is just perfect for us. Not all rooms have pictures on the walls (in fact, few rooms have pictures on the walls) and there are still boxes in our bedroom, but we feel like we're moved in. There is a fantastic screened in back porch that we all can't get enough of and the kitchen opens to the family room. The boys seem to like their room. They are sharing... I think we're really going to enjoy living here.
I promise to write more later about all the fun things we've been up to!