Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Lately it seems that we've been so busy, but we've not been doing too much - except baking! This year Christmas just kind of came out of nowhere for me. Suddenly I realized that it was mid-December and I still had shopping to do! AHHHH! We've had some really cold, windy days that have kept us totally indoors. Clayton loves to play with his Hot Wheels track. And in regards to how his shirt is on he "loves it like that."

From St. Nicholas the boys got matching Christmas pjs. Clayton thought we needed a picture of them together in the pjs, but didn't really want to be next to Levi.

December 13 was the annual Christmas Party at the Ambassador's. Levi's not too much younger than their twin grandchildren. And since their grandbabies are in South Carolina, they snatch Levi up for some snuggling every chance they get...well, Mrs. Wilkins does anyway. I'm glad I got a picture of Levi with Ambassador and Mrs. Wilkins.

Here's another shot of the boys that Clayton thought I needed to take. He's got a "shiner," as he called it. He was playing a game with Cyle and hit the corner of a chair. Boy did it ever look bad the next morning. Luckily it's pretty much gone so it won't be in the Christmas pictures.

Clayton is my helper in the kitchen. Really, taste tester would be a better description. Here he's sampling some cookie dough...

Here's my happy little guy. Levi is such a smiler. For the latest cakes, visit Baking at Huckleberries.
Have a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Levi's Baptism

Levi got baptized on November 29 at Immaculate Conception. Deacon Biri performed the ceremony and it was very nice. Cyle's mom made Levi's baptismal outfit. It's so cute. She used pieces from my mom's wedding dress (collar and cuffs) and ribbon from her dress (little bow tie). My friend KarenKay smocked his shoes.

Poor Cyle is recovering from being sick. Thanksgiving evening Clayton got a nasty stomach virus (so nasty he and Cyle and Grandma Huck took a trip to the ER) and passed it around to all of us. First Cyle, then Cameron, Kathy, Curt, and me - on our way home! Cameron got sick during the ceremony, so Garrett and Anna took him home immediately after. The rest of us went to eat at the Branding Iron for some barbeque and cake, of course!

This was taken beforehand (luckily)...Godparents Uncle Cameron and Aunt Sherri with Levi.
Levi was so good throughout everything. He didn't cry when Deacon Biri poured the water over his head and stayed content throughout. I had to laugh when the baptismal candle was lit and Clayton started singing "Happy Birthday." It was too funny. If I smell Levi closely enough, I can still smell the Chrism Oil. We are so blessed to have such a precious little boy.

November Vacation

We've just returned from our trip to Missouri. We had a great time visiting all of our friends and family. Our visits always seem to just fly by.
Clayton and Levi got decked out in their finest camo for opening day. Can you tell it's deer season? Look how happy Cyle looks! Maybe a little tired, too.

We visited Claire and Vincent one afternoon. It's hard to believe they were the same ages as my boys when I started watching them!
They're so big now. Claire is 10 and Vincent is 8...ahh, where do the years go? Clayton loved playing ball with Vincent and "playing" the piano and xylophone, too.

Somehow I managed to get pictures with all of the great-grandparents,
but very few with the grandparents! How?
Above are the boys with Great-Grandma Arnold.

Four generations of Hucks:
Great-Grandma Mel, Great-Grandpa Clete, Grandpa Curt, Cyle, Clayton and Levi.
Great-Grandma Grossheider and Levi.
Here again, I didn't get a picture of both boys with Grandma.

It really was a fun visit. Clayton adjusted really well to sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa Huck's (which he refers to as "Uncle Cameron's house") and even slept in a big boy bed. Levi didn't mind being passed around one bit and outgrew several outfits while we we're there. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!