Monday, July 13, 2009

Riding Toys

Levi just cannot wait to be big. He wants to be a part of everything that Cyle and Clayton do. So when Clayton got to go on a go cart ride, Levi wanted one, too. And he couldn't have been more excited!

Cyle and I are not people that go out an buy new things. We take hand-me-downs, we shop craigslist, we try to get the best deal, so it was really exciting this past weekend for Cyle to go and buy a NEW lawn mower. Just a few short weeks ago, Cyle bought a 12 year old Craftsman lawn mower off of craigslist. While mowing our yard for just the 3rd time, the engine threw a rod. (I don't really know what that means, but it's totally irrepairable.) So, tired of dealing with lawn mowers that needed constant repairs, Cyle and Clayton went to Lowes and bought this beautiful new John Deere ZTR. The boys were almost as excited as Cyle. I'm excited that he's cut his mowing time in half. Yeah!

1 comment:

Angie said...

How cute Abby! I love the picture of the boys on the John Deere! Fancy mower.