Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Explorations in Print Making

One January afternoon, at the lunch table, Levi was completely intrigued by the prints he was making after dipping his finger in his peanut butter and putting it on his plate. The next day, our exploration of print making began.

Our first set of prints were made from styrofoam meat trays the boys etched with paperclips and brush handles.

They really enjoyed the messiness of inking and were amazed at the prints they made. The first observation from Clayton: Hey! My picture is backwards!

Next, (a few days later) we found these great scraps from our foamy floor tiles. They were perfect to experiment with.

Levi thought the prints from these scraps looked like tire tracks.

Our next project started with a scavenger hunt for objects to use to make impressions on our foam. (Of course, there had to be a dinosaur...)

Clayton preferred using the allen wrench .

Levi liked the impression the cookie cutter made. The foam we used for this project wasn't nearly as easy to work with as the meat trays were...

For our last project, we finger painted.

We blended colors, made lines with our fingers and finished the project by making a print.

It was all good fun.

1 comment:

Angie said...

You do the most amazing crafts/things with your kids Abby!