Thursday, April 7, 2011

What we've been up to

We've been quite busy lately. Clarey, in particular, has started doing so much. She is now crawling. And though not fast, she can still get to too many places. We've had to become so diligent about keeping what she shouldn't have out of reach. She's also started standing and she so badly wants to pull herself up.

Kids quotes of the week:

Clayton - I came across his first photo album and gave it to him to look at. After flipping through the first 5 or 6 pages (all hospital pics) he said, "I just love looking at these. They help me remember my past."

Levi - Now that the baby gate is up, it is not only effective at keeping Clarey off the steps, but the boys, too. It got closed while Levi was downstairs and when he came up said, "Help! I'm trapped! I don't like being in jail!"

Clarey - "dada dadada"

So my dad brought me this end table that was just sitting in my grandpa's cabinet shop.

A little paint and some pegboard and we've got a really awesome tool bench.

I have been hoarding, for quite some time, Cyle's old jeans and shirts that have rips and stains and can't be worn in public anymore. He thinks I'm crazy, but when I came across this Khaki pants bag tutorial, I knew there was a reason I had kept them. I used an old pair of jeans for the outside, an old polo shirt for the lining. All I had to buy were the zippers. And as I write this, I probably could have cut the zippers from the jeans and had those for free, too. All in all, two backpacks for under $5. They were a lot of fun to make and the boys love them! Now, I've got to dig through my scraps and make one for Clarey.

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