Saturday, December 3, 2011

Experimenting with Color

On one of our many drives down to Jackson, while conversing with Clayton, I discovered that though he can name many an obscure dinosaur fact, he doesn't know what happens when different colors get mixed. Red and Yellow? Nothin. Blue and Yellow? Nada. Blue and Red? .... So last week while I cleaned up a kitchen mess of my own, I let the boys experiment with color. A few jars, a couple drops of food coloring and some medicine droppers. Clayton recorded his observations as he was working. Levi was mainly fascinated in how the medicine droppers worked. Clarey was just excited the boys weren't messing with her while she played around my feet. (I really included this picture to show how long her hair is getting!! :) ) It was a very simple activity, very little effort on my part and all had a great time.

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