Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Finished!!

This was our living room before. Under a small basket next to the TV was a gas line.

This is what we did with the gas line:

Isn't it beautiful? And toasty. Would you like to know my favorite things about it? Here they are anyway:
1) I LOVE being able to have a warm fire with the flip of a switch
2) I love that the fireplace itself was made in Kentucky and the stone was made in Jackson
3) I LOVE that I can turn on the fire anytime I'm a bit chilled with just the flip of a switch
4) I love that we came in $700 under budget
5) I love that our living room now has a focal point besides animal heads
6) I really, really LOVE that I can have a fire without wood or matches or a mess

We still have a ways to go (like painting the room and purchasing an entertainment center or something) but we are loving having this fireplace. Thank you, Cyle, for all your hard work!!


Lynn said...

It's beautiful. Well done Cyle!

Kori and Neal Grossheider said...

Omg! It's beautiful! What I imagined was pretty awesome but this is even better! Congrats!

Anna said...

Watch out for your toes!! My parents a gorgeous stone fireplace like yours and it has been the source of many broken toenails!!! But its fabulous!!!!