Friday, April 20, 2012

Easter Celebrations

 We had a really nice, really busy Easter this year. We went to Dad's on Saturday to celebrate with the Grossheiders. All I wanted was a nice picture of the kids with Grandma. Sadly, this was the best we got. At least I now have a picture of all three of my children with her.

 Later Clarey asked to sit on Grandma's lap. We go visit her often and Clarey loves to play with her. We had a nice day. It was so good to see everyone that was there!

 Easter morning couldn't have been more perfect. It was a truly beautiful day.

 Isn't that the most adorable little girl you've ever seen? Isn't she wearing an absolutely adorable bonnet? I made it! I'm so in love with it. It was so simple and she actually liked wearing it. I see more in her future...

 And what handsome boys! I love it when they're all dressed up. Levi was showing me a bb he found in the yard. Yes, this is the only picture I have of him (alone) actually looking at the camera.

Of course Levi smiles when he's being held by his Aunt Anna! (I should have had her hold him for all the pictures...) Could he not be their child? Just sayin'...

 What holiday is complete without a meltdown? Clarey picked up one of his eggs and ate all the candy in it before I could stop her. It's not like he didn't have 300 other eggs full of candy. This is the perfect argument for the importance of a nap.

 Sooooo, Levi's still angry about the egg. Gotta love Clayton's enthusiasm, though!

Grandma Arnold with her birthday cake. We celebrated her 80th birthday on Easter Sunday. It was made and decorated by yours truly and was enjoyed by all.

Happy Easter!

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