Monday, November 26, 2007

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

This Thanksgiving we were especially thankful for a warm house with a nice hot furnace as it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed until everything was covered in white. I think God created snow so people like me don't hate winter so much. Who can not like snow? Well, Clayton.

Wednesday morning when we awoke and all was white I could hardly wait to take Clayton out. After what seemed like an hour of finding gear, organizing gear, putting on my gear, fighting Clayton to put on his gear (Has anyone read Thomas' Snowsuit?) we finally got outside. I promptly put him in his sled and pulled him around the yard. He enjoyed this part very much. But then...he decided he didn't really like his mittens so he took them off. And snow is so very interesting, he just had to touch it. But snow is wet and it was cold and it didn't come off of his hands. So he started frantically shaking his hand to get the cold, wet snow off and it wasn't cooperating. What else can one do in a situation like this but kick off one's boots and throw one's self on the ground flailing and kicking and crying? At this point, I decided the snow wasn't really that much fun and that maybe we should enjoy the snow from inside our house - where no gear is required. It's going to be a very long Canadian winter if Clayton doesn't like the snow.

Our Thanksgiving day was nice. We visited friends. We ate turkey and all the trimmings until we were stuffed. And we got to spend some nice quiet time together as a family. Oh, and Cyle made deer sausage, too. It's actually quite yummy.

We've bought another deep freezer so I spent the weekend baking trying to fill it up. Now we've got a freezer for cakes and a freezer for deer/turkey/goose/fish meat. I'm getting ahead on holiday baking...and I'm keeping a list and checking it twice (so I don't forget what I've stuffed way in the back). While I baked, Clayton got to "help" Cyle work in the garage. He loves nothing more than tools and dune buggy parts and being with Daddy.
Have a great week!

1 comment:

Angie said...

LOVE the part about Clayton in his gear, vigorously shaking the snow off his hands! He's such a cutie!