Saturday, November 17, 2007

Travels and Baking with Clayton

Often, I bake with Clayton. More often, I bake when he's asleep. But this past week Cyle has been out of town deer hunting, so I've had to do lots of things with Clayton that I usually don't.
This evening, Clayton helped me develop a new recipe. Not only did he eat the butter straight out of the paper, but he emptied the entire salt shaker...
On his behalf, he did play in the salt mountain for at least 20 minutes and when he was done he did go get the vacuum cleaner. As much as he loves the vacuum, sometimes I wonder if he creates the the mess just to be sure I'll actually turn it on. And while he didn't vacuum up any of his salt mess, he did vacuum the rest of the dining room.

Winter is officially completely here. We've had consistent freezing temperatures and the sky's been spitting snow. I am never ready for winter and this year is no exception. So I decided to take Clayton and fly south for a week. ("Since Cyle isn't going to be suffering through the onset of winter here, but sitting in a deer stand somewhere in rural Missouri," I thought, "why should I?") We met up with three of my dearest friends in Washington D.C. for a week of shopping, eating out, birthday parties and fun. (I also got to help Austin decorate his pirate treasure chest birthday cake - Funfetti covered in chocolate buttercream filled with candy treasure!) It was such a great time and a good "vacation" for me. I had forgotten how much fun we all had while we were together and now I miss them all even more.

Cyle did have a successful hunt while in Missouri. He got a little 8 pointer and is bringing home some meat. More importantly, he got to spend some quality time with his family. For more information on his hunt, visit

As we approach Thanksgiving, I am overwhelmed with the amount I have to be thankful for: a wonderful, happy, healthy son and a truly caring husband, lots of family and close friends, the start of a successful business, being a citizen of the greatest country on earth and being able to serve her, and all the many blessings God has given me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Love the blog! Love even more to hear about Clayton's salt mess! I bet he just had a ball. And butter? mmmmm. He's such a cutie!