Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Baby Addie Visits

 As a very special birthday treat, Emily and Andy stopped by with their new little angel, Adelaide.
The kids were all excited to meet her. As you can see, Clayton isn't any better at holding a baby now than he was two years ago. (Click here to see Clayton lovingly holding his new sister.)

 If I were Addie, I'd be afraid, too! All these small children! All this movement! You're letting them HOLD me?!

Levi was really gentle and calm while he held her.

I didn't get a picture of Clarey holding her. Clarey was totally in love with Adelaide. She held her the longest and would just look at her. Later that evening, after they had been long gone, Clarey asked for Baby Addie to come home. She told me that Baby Addie was hers. Every doll is now Baby Addie and any baby item we see or have is for Baby Addie. We're going to have to go and see Baby Addie soon!

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