Wednesday, October 10, 2012

As Autumn Begins

 Now that bow season has begun and the days have gotten shorter, Cyle's started bow practicing right after supper. It's become a family event.

Levi and Clarey love having tea parties. As they were waiting for the tea to brew, I gave them some loose tea Mom had given me. Exploring the texture, the smell and even the taste kept them busy until that tea was done.

Recently, Levi has become a master chair and blanket tent builder. Having said that, Clarey has gotten better at not being a master tent destroyer...although, that's what honed Levi's skills. When the kitchen needs a good cleaning, we move the chairs into the living room and the kids go to work. And then they go into their imaginary world. Some days they are in space. Some days they are explorers in a new land. This day, they were in our own neighborhood and Levi was the postman. He delivered mail to Clarey through the mailbox in their tent's door.

Take a good close look at that sweet boy. Can you spot where his teeth used to be? He's now lost 7 teeth and has another one loose - the one that's right next to where his two front teeth used to be. He told me he's going to be able to sing, "All I want for Christmas is my three front teeth." Last week he was eating an apple and he told Cyle, "I could do this a whole lot faster if I had more teeth in my mouth." More truer words have never been spoken.

Speaking of sweet boys, does it get any sweeter than that? No, I'm here to tell you, it doesn't.

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