Friday, September 28, 2012

Okra Seeds for Sale!

 The boys have harvested our okra seeds. They decided that since we had many more than we actually need to replant next year, they could make a bit of money by selling them.

They set up shop at the end of our driveway.

Originally they wanted to sell them for $5.00 apiece. I explained that we bought all of the seeds we used to plant in our garden for much less than $5.00 and that if they wanted to sell any, they needed to lower their price. They decided 5 cents would be good. Clayton made the sign and Levi helped him tape it to our mailbox.
After a good 20 minutes of waiting and no customers, I heard Clayton tell Levi, "We need a better location. We just don't get any traffic here!"
Sadly, they've sold no seeds. I'm sure there will be many more business ventures in the future.

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