Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Clayton is slowly adjusting to having Levi around. He tries to be very loving and as gentle as a two-year old boy can be. He's told me that Levi is his friend and that he is happy Levi is home. It's so precious...I hope the feelings last.

If the baby is doing it, so must the older brother.
(This goes for the play gym, bassinet, and being held, too.)
After seeing Levi asleep in his bouncy seat, Clayton got his and laid down exactly like Levi - as you can see.

Cyle asked Clayton if he was going to teach Levi all of his tricks. Clayton immediately started demonstrating his tongue trick.
All in all, Clayton is adapting really well. He has his moments, but he really is trying to be a helpful, loving brother.


Angie said...

What a great big brother Clayton is! You guys are so lucky. I love the new family photo!

Crazy Mama said...

Such a great looking family!! And, Abby... YOU'RE OUTNUMBERED!!! haha Hope you guys are doing well. Miss ya!

Sweet Angel said...

Such a handsome boy!! he's precious