Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tractor Machines

So Clayton's favorite thing is.......TRACTOR MACHINES!!! Because he loves them so much and our life seems to revolve around them, we took a trip to the tractor machine store. We have been blessed to live just a few miles from one of the two John Deere dealerships in Ottawa. We spent the morning just looking at all of the different tractors and pieces of equipment they had for sale. As a bonus, we even got see them drive a combine around. (You can't see because of his jacket, but he has on his favorite tractor machine t-shirt. We've now got a collection of 4 tractor machine shirts so I don't have to do laundry quite so often.)

Grandpa G. came to visit this past weekend and while he was here we made a trip to the Agricultural Museum at the Experimental Farm. In their Tractor display they have this tractor ride that demonstrates the difference between the old metal wheels (bump, bump, bump )and rubber tires (so smooth).

No matter where we go, Clayton seems to always find the tractors. (Here you can see him sporting another one of his tractor machine shirts. This one has a backhoe.) The sensory table at the Richmond Fair, complete with corn and, you guessed it, tractors and wagons was a complete hit. It was definitely better than looking at goats, bees, baby chicks, or petting sheep.

Also at the fair... Cyle and Clayton couldn't get enough of this home-made tractor. The older gentleman had constructed it out of many, many different tractors and such. I think Cyle said the motor was from the 19-teens. I paid attention long enough to take the picture then Levi and I went for a walk. I can only look at tractors for so long.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Abby-I LOVE the upates! It was so much fun reading them this morning. Great idea of the burp cloth around Levi's head as a hat! And Clayton looked so cute in his kitchen, like his mom...making frosting! And of course-Clayton in his hunting gear! Like father like son! Too cute. One question-how the heck are you doing so much more now with another kid? Walking group, party're awesome Abby!