Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Fair

This weekend was the Richmond Fair! After church we parked in town and made our way to the fair grounds! First stop: Food. I have to say. Canadian fair food really pales in comparison to the fair food at home. There are no hand-dipped corn dogs, funnel cakes, pile-o-potatoes, deep fried Snickers, Oreos, or whatever else. There are hamburgers, hot dogs, Italian sausages, Pogos, your run-of-the-mill donairs AND Beaver Tails. Beaver Tails partially redeem the food at the fair. They are a piece of dough flattened into a beaver tail shape and deep fried. (Really, what is better than fried dough?) They are then topped with a good variety of things - our favorite is cinnamon and sugar. Here is Clayton enjoying his bit.

What is a trip to the fair with out wasting money on a silly game for a cheap prize? Here we spent no less than $5 for Clayton to pick out 3 ducks to win a stuffed parrot. He really enjoyed picking out the ducks and loves the parrot even more. So I guess it was worth it.

Here is Levi as content as can be as we strolled him through the fair grounds. I forgot his hat, so I stuffed the burp diaper (it hadn't yet been used...) around his head. It wasn't so chilly, but was quite windy. He was awake for most of the evening. Apparently he didn't want to miss one bit of the fair.

Clayton really wanted to ride the dragon roller coaster, but wasn't tall enough, so he settled on the spinning boots. They rode in a circle and Clayton got to control the button that made them go up and down. It was kind of funny to watch because he wouldn't hold the button in long enough to actually go up and stay up so they kind of hopped around. After this ride we decided it was time to go home. And it was a good thing we did. It wasn't too long after we got home that a good little storm rolled in.

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