Sunday, September 21, 2008

September Updates

I 'm thinking that I really need to update this more often than once a month...there's just been so much going on. It's taking me a while and making for such a long entry.

We've been really busy. School starts in September, so everyone has come back from travels and things have started up again. Summer is over. Time go get to work!
I'm co-president of the Events Committee/Party People at the Embassy. I love working with such a fun group of people and helping with the CLO events. At our meeting this month they threw a shower for Levi and I. KarenKay made a fabulous lunch (just two quiche and a salad...yeah right! It was a feast. A delicious feast!) and Claudette and Deborah made an adorable cake. Thank you!! I've also started a walking group with some of the same ladies. We're meeting every Wednesday at different spots in Ottawa and taking advantage of all of the wonderful walking trails. It's been great to get out and enjoy the nice fall weather and get in some exercise. Maybe some of those pregnancy pounds will start to melt away.

Clayton has also started "school." He's so big.

Either twice or three times a week Clayton will be going to South Carleton High School for their playgroup. The playgroup is actually a child development class for Seniors. For Clayton, it's a fun time to play! For me, it's an hour to get stuff done! His first day was last Thursday and he seemed to really enjoy it. Of course, they did have a sensory table full of blue sand with tractor machines for digging. You can't see because of his adorable John Deere jacket (Thank you, Auntie Kendra!!) but he has on my favorite tractor machine shirt that says, "I dig dirt." (Thank you, Nonna!) School was a hit. I fully expected to see him still digging in the sand when I picked him up, but he was playing with playdough.

Clayton being in school gives me a little one-on-one time with Levi. He's really growing so fast. I've had to put away some outfits that are too short and I hope we use up all of the size 1 diapers before they don't fasten around his belly anymore. He's getting really good at holding up his head and is just on the verge of truly smiling. He is super alert. Always watching and listening. And always as content as can be. He really is such a good baby. I was just noticing in this can actually see his eye brows here - and his chubby cheeks!

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